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Chris is a Gardner-Webb EDCI doctoral student and he will be joining us for a banned books discussion.

About Chris Scruggs

I am also an educator and instructor of advanced online learning for Henderson County. I am a doctoral student of Gardner-Webb researching photo-elicitation. I am also a visual artist and landscape photographer with experience in watercolor and screen-printing.

As an educator and researcher of all arts, I understand that writing is a creative expression and brings imaginative capabilities to authors and readers. If books are banned, ideas are lost.

I have been collecting banned books since my freshman year of college. I examine writing just as I would examine a painting. In my studies of controversial artists such as Picasso, Warhol, and Duchamp, I seek to understand the techniques and concepts that underpin their creative processes. Additionally, I am intrigued by the origins of their visual themes.

Similar to how engaging with provocative visual art enables observers to analyze the controversy of an image, delving into reading banned novels, historical literature, and poetry provides readers with the opportunity to confront difficult subjects and topics within a structured environment. This exploration fosters empathy, emotional growth, and psychological fortitude in individuals.

I feel that we should always be open for discussion and debate regarding controversial and problematic situations. We have to be open for adaptation, embracing change, and recognizing diversity. Reading different viewpoints and discussing them ultimately leads to equity and awareness that is needed within our communities.

I am currently working on completing a doctorate and dissertation within the EDCI program. I have worked with Texas Woman’s University as an adjunct instructor as well as an instructional assistant for the Masters of Arts in Teaching.

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